We’ve all heard the term “spiritual high” to describe an experience that caused a temporary season of spiritual growth. But how do we sustain this growth to last beyond a brief season? During this 2-day trip, experience intimacy with Christ that lasts much longer than the 13,000 foot alpine traverse. During this trip, we will dig into scripture to look at the life of Peter and learn how to sustain transformational growth throughout our lives.


This trip is a 2-day adventure into Clear Creek County. Perched at 12,000 feet, Herman Lake will serve as a base camp while we attempt the wildly exposed Citadel Traverse. This traverse remains above 13,000 feet as it cuts across the sawblade-like ridge between Citadel Peak and Pettingell Peak in Colorado’s Front Range.


  1. Luke 5:1-11 (Peter is called by Jesus)
  2. Matthew 17:1-13 (The Transfiguration)
  3. Matthew 26:31-35 (Peter’s denial predicted)
  4. Matthew 16:69-75 (Peter denies Jesus)
  5. John 21:15-19 (Jesus restores Peter)


The trailhead used is Herman Gulch. It is easily reached via I-70. Day 1 follows the Continental Divide Trail up Herman Gulch until turning westward towards Herman Lake. During Day 2, we will climb Citadel Peak via the Southeast ridge. After the summit, a short rappel accesses the ridgeline between the Citadel and Pettingell Peak. This ridge contains extended sections of Class 3 and Class 4 scrambling, but offers several options for retreat. After summiting Pettingell Peak, descend via the East Ridge until the Continental Divide Trail is reached. Once on the CDT, Return to Lake Herman, pack up basecamp, and return to the trailhead via Herman Gulch.


Contact us to schedule a trip