We all worship something. We are either worshiping created things or we worship the creator God. As followers of Jesus, He gives us a heart change that allows us to worship the creator God in the way we should. Venture Off seeks to disconnect from our current patterns through wilderness experiences and encourages us to connect into the only place that can truly fulfill us. We desire to be an arrow to His great name and point to His saving power in all things that we do. As we obey, we then become an Ambassador that God desires to multiply by making disciples that make disciples. The ultimate purpose of Venture Off is to lift up the name of Jesus and share His love and grace with the world.
We desire to be an arrow to His great name and point to His saving power in all things that we do.
The call
God has called His children to be a witness in our generation to God’s goodness and rescue (Acts 1:8). In the great commission, Jesus says directly “Go make disciples…”. In obedience to His word, we desire to make vibrant disciples that make disciples as we engage with the world. We see God’s creation as a great way to pull back from our common patterns and be transformed by the goodness of God. Jesus spent time in the wilderness receiving from God so he could then pour out into his disciples the truth’s of the Kingdom. Our passion is to follow this pattern in Wilderness Discipleship.
As we experience life, creation, AND adventure together our focus is to:
Anchor in God with full trust and reliance
Walk in Community through loving accountability; exciting, obedience based, and deeply transformative as we follow the Holy Spirit’s leading
Use discovery Bible study starting with the Commands of Christ, which we call Contour Groups
Experience adventure together for encouragement, challenge, and deep community
Encourage a DNA of vibrant disciples that make disciples…as we receive, we seek to obey and encourage others to obey
Discipleship opportunities
Weekly Bible study for high-school-aged students (Colorado Springs)